Intense training in surgery and strokes preceded Dr (Prof) Ghoz’s membership in the Royal College of Surgeons of both England and Edinburgh. At the coalface of trauma and orthopaedic subspecialties, including upper and lower limb surgeries, spinal traumas, and paediatric surgery, he stepped into high-demand spaces where patients depended on him for their well-being, mobility and zest for life. His enviable USP in hips and knees further developed during a fellowship in lower limb surgery, and securing his FRSC (Orth) and CCT preceded another prestigious fellowship involving deeper dives into arthropathy and soft-tissue reconstruction. Time at the Prince of Wales and Mater hospitals in Australia was formative, bolstering his orthopaedic and paediatric expertise. Consultancy work took him to Cambridgeshire, to responsibilities as the first on call at a trauma centre, and to the NHS and private practice. His guiding principles are informed by patients whose medical care is transformed by personalised attention.